Paint Chips Turned Wall Art

Paint Chips Turned Wall Art

" to use it as an inspiration for wall art. She already had 2 pieces of art that she was ready to change. didn't get the paint chips lined up exactly right, we didn't want the . colored spray paint (you need a color for the base and one for the pattern Three Ideas for Giant Wall Art. Make Your Own Pixelated Portrait from Paint Chips. . "
Decided on a color and left with a pile of those tiny paint chips? Display them on your newly painted walls!
Maybe you just painted your walls and have a stack of reject paint colors from the job. Or maybe you’re the kind of obsessed that makes you pocket a few paint chips every time you saunter into a hardware store.
Either way, your extra chips can make for some pretty fantastic art. Check it out:

paint chip artwork
Yes, yes, this one will make your guests gasp “How on earth do you have so much free time?” But the truth is, they’re just jealous. REALLY jealous. Because not only is your artwork cool and original, it’s free! Get the full details at Apartment Therapy.

paint chip artwork

Search Suggestion for Paint Chips Turned Wall Art

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You can change the actual shape of a room just by the color of paint that you apply to the When choosing wall art for a particular room in our homes, it is important to .
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Lead was used in many paints as a pigment and drying agent. Research has discovered the alarming truth that lead in paint causes lead poisoning in people. Those at .
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Photo from How About Orange Super-simple creative reuse idea. Make pretty paint chips into bookmarks..
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Read these guidelines on interior painting to know how to choose a good wall paint color for your home..
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Now you can lift the art and turn it over without losing the hanger's position. Paint Chip Clock Tutorial. Circle Tree Modern Art Tutorial. See my .
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sturdy wall, floor and counter displays that features space saving, turn the page panels, fabric and paint color chips and other thin samples or be used as a free-standing .
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Paint Chips Turned Wall Art {DIY Life} May 9th 2011 3:45PM Phil, I have the feeling that Paint chips are the result of using a sharpened object to uncover the .
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WallCandy Arts wall stickers were developed by Allison Krongard. had pulled together the inspiration, swatches, and paint chips to suit his dinosaur obsession, he'd kindly .
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Pierre David - Maybe Pierre David is commenting on how people in society are now treated as commodities, or maybe I'm just reaching for meaning, but this swatch f.
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We are no strangers to discarded paper being turned into art, whether its previous life was spent as a phone book, paint chip, or a toilet paper roll. .