Pregnancy Swelling

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"Swelling in pregnancy is a fairly normal symptom. Though there are times when swelling can indicate a complication. Know how to tell the difference . Swelling is a normal part of pregnancy that is caused by the amount of additional blood and fluids in the body.. "

Swelling in pregnancy
The swelling in pregnancy is a very common fennemo, which is aggravated by the heat of summer and can be quite annoying. Tired legs , rounded features, heaviness … sound?

The swelling occurs as a result of fluid retention and fat, caused by hormonal changes and natural physiologic pregnancy and disappears after you give birth.

But that is normal does not mean we can not do anything to minimize the problem.

Here are a few tricks left to fight swelling during pregnancy.
* Follow a diet rich in water, to act as a draining effect on the body.
* Eat food rich in fiber and avoiding those high in fat, sugar or salt.
* You can take food with a mild diuretic such as green tea or mineral water, but never take diuretic medications without your doctor tells you to.
* Da walks throughout the day, move the legs, boost circulation and feel lighter. It is desirable to spend much time sitting or standing upright.
* Try to stay in cool places, avoiding to the extent possible-the high temperatures.
* Manual lymph drainage and acupressure can help combat fluid retention, because they carry a massage on the body that activates the blood circulation and eliminate toxins.

Although swelling during pregnancy is usually be serious, there are danger signs that may indicate that this is a major problem. If occurs suddenly, is associated with high blood pressure, or is accompanied by severe headaches, dizziness or blurred vision, you should consult a doctor promptly.

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