What Are The Breast Cancer Symptoms To Watch?

The first thing is to monitor the appearance of lumps in the breast. In most cases, these lumps are benign and are not a tumor, but a cyst or an adenoma fibrous. However, a measure of prudence, contact your doctor immediately appearance of these anomalies.

The other indications to be monitored are:

  • A change in size and shape of breasts,
  • The appearance of an orange peel, a roundness,
  • Abnormalities of skin, such as dimples, a ride on its surface.
  • The nipple is returning,
  • A small ball, a nodule, palpable from 1 cm, which was not there before,
  • A lump or a swelling under the armpit
  • A flow nipple or redness on the nipple; latter two cases are very rare.
The pain is not in itself a symptom of breast cancer. Indeed, many women feel pain breasts with the approach of their periods.

If the examination of your breasts you are concerned about following the discovery of abnormal symptoms, contact your doctor without delay. It is only very rarely cancer, but if it is: the more its care and more will be early treatment will be effective.

The detection systematic medical examination

Finally, if you have one or more of these risk factors, consider the possibility of cancer and submit to the screening that suggests your doctor.

Mammography is used to recognize a breast cancer before discovering a lump on palpation. It must be systematically carried out every three years from age 50, earlier when these famous risk factors have been identified are all signs that should encourage you to consult.

A mammogram is an X-ray to X-rays of the breasts. During the review, the chest is slightly compressed between two metal plates. This examination takes only a few minutes and is painless.

Only palpation and mammography can detect a small tumor. Thus, several countries have a national programme of screening for breast cancer. For the location of the tumor as for others, early diagnosis is indeed a sign of good prognosis.