Hair Care : Myths And the Truth

You may have heard myths in regard to cutting edge hair that can help hair grow faster, thicker and more dense.

Do not be surprised, if it is only myth hogwash. Because the hair that has been out of the scalp is the only thing to die.

If cropped hair, the hair may not send a straw in the hair follicle in the scalp to cause more hair. Scientific studies to prove this has been done since the 1920s, but opinion is still only one reliable up to now.

Cutting edge hair regularly, actually useful to remove the fork teeth or broken, and the appearance of hair can make more beautiful.

Chicken eggs thicken hair
But the myth that the chicken egg is a good conditioner, and can thicken the hair is correct.

High content of protein in the chicken eggs are considered good for the hair, because it will put hair and shiny hair.

However, should note that the use of eggs in the hair tends to be caused and messy. However, if you still want to try, here is how their application:

  • shake two raw eggs
  • wet hair with warm water (not too hot, they do not want to burn your head)
  • apply a mixture of eggs, and If.
  • then use shampoo as usual.
For similar results (hair soft and shiny), was the most easy way is with conditioner in intensive care