JailbreakMe Causing Issues With Camera Connection Kit

JailbreakMe Causing Issues With Camera Connection Kit

"Jailbreakme.com users: if Cydia disappeared while installing or doesn't work, There is a known issue with the Camera Connection Kit and Jailbreakme. "
JailbreakMe.com makes it easy to jailbreak your iOS device. But it seems that it could be causing problems for those using the iPad Camera Connection Kit. Comex, the developer behind JailbreakMe says he’s working on a fix, which will be released through Cydia. He has admitted that he hasn’t gotten it to work for the iPad 2 yet, but he’s still working on a fix.

Apple is also working to fix the PDF issue that enables JailbreakMe.com. There are other ways to jailbreak an iOS device, but nothing beats the ease of JailbreakMe. If the Camera Connection Kit isn’t essential to you, you may want to take advantage of Jailbreakme, and wait for the update.
via CultOfMac

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