Children Constipation

|X| Constipated children |X|

"Read about constipation in infants and children causes such as hypothyroidism, Hirschprung's disease, diabetes, lead poisoning, changes in diet, breastfed . Information for parents about constipation in children from the American Academy of Family Physicians.. "

Constipated children
The fulfillment of certain physiological functions of the child is tied to the interest of parents and grandparents, who pay more attention to games, sleep, or other expressions of the child matured.

The control of bowel movements your baby or toddler causes anxiety for many parents and is one of the most frequent causes of pediatric consultation. The intestine reaches a certain balance in its functioning, in terms of frequency and consistency of stools, around the year, but the small stabilizing a form of feces and bowel movement a rate only 2 or 3 years old.

Is an increase in consistency of stools, which become extremely dry and painful abdominal bloating with abundant diffuse (gas), decreased voiding frequency and significant discomfort while defecating. The causes of constipation are varied. Sometimes it is a manifestation of another disease (megacolon, hypothyroidism. Neurological diseases, etc.).. but certainly are much more frequent constipation functional, ie, those due to a disruption of normal bowel without organic pathology that provokes it.

The reflex bowel movement
To reflect bowel movement “work” normally, it is necessary that the part of the large intestine (rectum) is empty, while the feces are retained in the sigmoid colon loop. Once or twice a day, the colon contracts and moves the stool into the rectum, where there are nerve receptors that detect the presence and trigger the reflex of defecation. Then there is real urgency to evacuate, contracting the abdominal and pelvic muscles will relax the internal sphincter, but not the outer, which is voluntary and depends directly on the bark

In short, evacuation is a reflex but it is subject to voluntary control. Precisely, this voluntary control is called “sphincter control,” and from that he does, the child may determine the time of evacuation.

Search Suggestion for Constipated children

constipation nationwide children's hospital
Many children have constipation at one time or another. Minor changes in daily routine may cause it. Being away from home, changes in eating, drinking .
constipation treatment guide for children
Constipation in children is a common problem. Review treatment tips, including diet modification and the use of stool softeners to manage kids who are constipated..
constipation in children
Even if a child is not constipated, sometimes understanding what causes constipation in children can help prevent it in the first place. How is constipation defined? .
constipation wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Constipation is common; in the general population incidence of constipation varies from 2 to 30%.[3] Constipation in children usually occurs at three distinct points in .
constipation in infants and children
Constipation is a common problem in children of all ages. A child with constipation may have bowel movements less frequently than normal, hard bowel .
If you aren't pooping like usual, you could be constipated..
constipation children
Another name for Constipation is Constipation. Home treatment for constipation in children mainly involves general measures and diet changes. Medications .
constipation in children causes symptoms treatment
World Best Website on Home Remedies, Herbal Remedies, ayurvedic herbs, ayurveda products Children commonly show the following symptoms when they suffer from constipation: .
what is constipation in children?
What is Constipation in children? Learn about symptoms and treatments from Consumer Reports Health..
constipation and children diagnosis and treatment
Constipation is very common in children and it is usually caused by not drinking enough fluids, not eating enough fiber, or having a diet high in constipating .