Children Nail Biting

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"Nail biting is considered an impulse control disorder in the DSM-IV-R while the ICD-10 classifies it as "other specified behavioural and emotional . Nail Biting and Finger Nail Chewing are bad habits. Learn how to stop nail biting, prevent skin chewing and bad nail biting habits safe and effectively. Nail biters unite!. "

Nail Biting

Many children acquire the habit of biting nails.
Co Eventually, this habit is, but there are cases that are long lasting, even when they reach adulthood.

These are symptoms of anxiety, stress, tension, because of some event that may have occurred through this.

These events include: the arrival of a sibling, changing room, changing your diet, or any other event.

Never ridicule, call your attention, challenge or threaten them because they bite your nails as this can increase anxiety and reinforce this bad habit.
Try raising your self-esteem, praise and encourage him to take this habit.

Investigate the root of your worry, anxiety, etc. Since settled around him by the mind, the child will not feel the need to nail biting.

When times of stress, boredom or fatigue, the child used to spend time with his habit, something we call your attention to other things in this space of time, to forget your nails.

Search Suggestion for Nail Biting

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Nail Biting Treatment® and our Gold Star Program represent a radical departure from the Nail biting is an extremely tough habit to break and our treatment plan has been .
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Nails of a nail biter.Added by Dr Joe Kiff Nail biting is the habit of biting one's fingernails or t.
nail biting
But if you are among the countless individuals, who still engage in nail biting, then you probably know by now how badly it can affect the beauty of your hands. .
nail biting remedies livestrong
Nail Biting Remedies. Nail biting is a nervous habit affecting people of all ages. Also known as onychophagia, nail biting is not a serious condition .
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Learn how to stop nail biting successfully. Find all about nail biting treatments, product reviews and causes, also check our articles and news section..
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Smile! You finally found the #1 guide on how to stop nail biting. Learn about the best nail biting treatments from someone who's also suffered from nail biting..
stop nail biting treatments and causes of biting fingernails
WebMD provides tips to help you stop biting your nails and reasons why we bite them in the first place..
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Nail biting can lead to fungal infections. Nail biting polish and other remedies can help in breaking the habit..
nail biting livestrong
Nail biting might be something that you do in addition to other repetitive behaviors. Some individuals bite their nails due to stress or anxiety. .