Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

"Learn about hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Pregnant women may be very susceptible to hemorrhoids; however, they can still prevent it.. Introduction Hemorrhoids are also known as piles and many pregnant women get affected by these mostly during the third final trimester. The condition is. "
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Some women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and rectum that turn out to be painful and uncomfortable. Constipation is often the main culprit behind hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Therefore, the main thing to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to prevent constipation by eating foods high in fiber, drinking enough water and physical activity daily.

If you still suffer from hemorrhoids, you can follow these tips to ease the pain of hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

1. Apply ice packs to your anus several times a day. Ice helps reduce swelling and discomfort. You can also try applying cool compresses soaked in witch hazel, witch hazel.

2. Fill your tub with warm water or take a bath. Dipping the rectal area several times a day in warm water will help you get relief.

3. Keep the anal area clean. Avoid toilet paper with colors and fragrances as it can cause further irritation. Pre-moistened wipes can be more comfortable. Even, you can get medicated wipes made especially for people with hemorrhoids, such as Tucks, which contain witch hazel.

4. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Sitting puts pressure on the veins in the anus and rectum. If your job involves sitting, take frequent breaks and stand up. Also, lie on your left side may help relieve discomfort from hemorrhoids.

5. Ask your doctor for a cream or suppository that is safe for use during pregnancy.

If after following suggestions be to relieve your hemorrhoids during pregnancy hemorrhoids improve, worsen or start to bleed, consult your doctor. In severe cases of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is needed prescription drugs and even minor surgical procedure.

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