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Migraine And Epilepsy

early 13% of the adult population of the United States has migraine. The distribution differs between male and females. At all ages, about 5% of men have migraine (Stewart, 1994; Lipton et al, 2002).

Many effective headache medications must be avoided by people who have heart or blood vessel disease in addition to migraine. Identifying and treating these coexisting conditions can be quite important in managing the migraine headaches.

Many of these coexisting illnesses are coincidental. Migraine and epilepsy frequently occur together, and the association between these two conditions is more than coincidental.

Several studies of migraine patients have shown the rate of epilepsy to be much higher, about 6%. In other words, epilepsy is about 12 times more common among people with migraine than it is in the general population.

Researchers have examined possible genetic links between migraine and epilepsy by studying the families of people with epilepsy.

Within a given family, relatives without epilepsy had a one-in-seven chance (15%) of developing migraine, compared to a one-in-four risk (26%) for family members with epilepsy.

People with epilepsy appear to have higher risk of developing migraine at some point in their lives.
Study found that individuals with epilepsy had nearly a one-in-four chance of developing migraine.

The risk of migraine was elevated both before and after the onset of seizures. Shared genes cannot account for theincreased co-occurrence of migraine and epilepsy, nor can environmental factors. Perhaps it can be attributed to an unknown altered brain state.

Both can sometimes be triggered by strong sensations, such as bright light or noise. Given the overlap between the two disorders, some experts have theorized that the underlying mechanisms that produce migraine and seizure attacks may be similar.

Both migraine and epilepsy are characterized by episodes of hyperactivity in the brain and nervous system.

Knowing that a person has both migraine and epilepsy is important to selecting the optimal treatment.

Menstrual Migraine

igraine headaches is defined as a paroxysmal ailment, accompanied by a severe headache, generally on one side of the head, and associated with disorders of the digestion, the liver, and the vision. Menstrual migraine usually occurs when a person is under great mental tension or has suddenly got over that state.

Sixty per cent of all women with migraine have attacks around the time of menstruation. In approximately 14%, attacks are experienced only during menstruation. These can be very disabling.

Compared with other times in the menstrual cycle, a menstrual migraine is more than twice as likely to occur during the first 3 days of menstruation and more than three times as likely to be severe.

Menstrual migraine is defined as 'attacks occurring consistently from three days before to five days after the onset of menses'. Menstrual migraine is triggered by a drop in the level of the hormone oestrogen, which occurs around menses.

Studies have shown that supplemental estrogen given at the time of the natural monthly decline in these hormones delays the onset of mestrual migraine until the estrogen level finally decreases.

However, many other factors can trigger menstrual migraines including certain foods and environmental influences such as loud noises, glaring lights and changes in the weather.

Preventative treatment for menstrual migraine can include avoiding known triggers or taking preventative medications, for example antidepressants, anticonvulsans, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the production of the chemical signals prostaglandins which can trigger migraines in some patients.

A new menstrual migraine preventative treatment currently being investigated are estrogen patches worn during menstruation to prevent oestrogen levels from dropping and get menstrual migraine.

Effect Caffein On Migraine

nowing what trigger attacks is a major step on migraine prevention. There are many possible trigger for migraines and differ from one migraine to another.

A migraine attack is often triggered when several occur together or accumulate until the sufferer's threshold is passed.

Coffee, for example, can sometimes knock out a migraine

For certain migraine sufferers, caffeine is a migraine inhibitor. For others it is a trigger, caffeine cannot help relieve a migraine. Keeping a headache diary can help determine whether caffeine helps or hurts your migraine.

Caffeine is found naturally and as an additive in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, certain soft drinks, and some pain relieving and acute migraine medications.

Confirm Your Food Trigger

f diet change makes your headaches disappear or become much less frequent, the next step is to confirm which foods are that trigger migraine.

To do this, simply reintroduce the eliminated foods one at a time, every two days, to see whether any symptoms result. Start at the bottom of the list , and work your way up to the riskier foods, skipping any that do not care for. If you wish then check the beverages and additives on the common trigger migraine list.

As you do this, have a generous amount of each new food, so you will know whether or not it causes symptoms. If it causes no problem, you can keep it in your diet.

Anything that causes a headache should be eliminated again. After a week or two, try the suspect food once again for confirmation. Keep your diet simple so you can detect the effect of each newly added food.

Meats, dairy products, and eggs are best left off your plate permanently. Aside from being among the worst trigger migraine, they also tend to disturb your natural hormone balance, which contributes to migraines, as we will see shortly.

If two weeks on the basic anti-migraine diet does not reduce your headaches, the next step is to check whether a food that is not on the list of common trigger migraine may be causing your symptoms.

This occasionally happens and, in fact, some people are sensitive to several different foods. An elimination diet will help you sort this out.

Aura Migraine Phase

here are five well-defined phases of a classic migraine attack: prodrome, aura, headache, termination, and postdrome. You may experience more than one phase, although not necessarily all of them.

Aura Migraine Phase

The aura phase immediately precedes or accompanies an attack. About 20% of migraine sufferers experience neurologic symptoms (the aura), usually developing over 5 to 20 minutes and lasting less than an hour.

Migraines with visual disturbances are called classic migraines. The most common aura is flashing lights in a her- ringbone pattern. Some people see bright lights in other geometric patterns, or half of their visual field is blank.

Others may experience difficulty speaking, weakness on one side of the body, or numbness or tingling in a hand or arm or on one side of the face. The most prevalent form of migraine (common migraine) occurs without an aura. Common migraines typically last longer and occur more often than classic migraines.

Aromatheraphy For Migraine

or migraine headaches, try inhalations, baths, or massages using these essential oils. An aromatherapy massage is very relaxing.

Recommended Oils :
Anger, worry, hyperactivity: Chamomile
Sharp, piercing pain, lethargy, despondency: Rosemary, Pepermint
Mild pain, lethargy: Lemon
Colds, sinusitis: Eucalyptus
Hyperactivity, overwork: Sweet marjoram
Also, Lavender, Melissa

If at home, massage face and neck with a solution of ten drops of rosemary essential oil per ounce of carrier oil and use a few drops of rosemary in a diffuser or an aroma lamp to create a soothing atmosphere.

If On the road, apply a drop or two to a tissue and inhale. Rosemary, especially rosemary verbenon, has a balancing effect on the liver and gall bladder, which tend to be sluggish in people who get migraines.

Alternative Therapy For Migraine

ontraditional / alternative therapy may be helpful if you have chronic headache pain:
Acupuncture. Among other benefits, acupuncture may be helpful for headache pain. This treatment uses very thin, disposable needles that generally cause little or no pain or discomfort.

Biofeedback. Biofeedback appears to be especially effective in relieving migraine pain. This relaxation technique uses special equipment to teach you how to monitor and control certain physical responses, such as muscle tension.

Massage. Although massage is a wonderful way to reduce stress and relieve tension, its value in treating headache hasn't been fully determined. For people who have tight, tender muscles in the back of the head, neck and shoulders, massage may help relieve headache pain.

Herbs, vitamins and minerals. There is some evidence that the herbs feverfew and butterbur may prevent migraine or reduce their severity. A high dose of riboflavin (vitamin B-2) also may prevent migraine by correcting tiny deficiencies in the brain cells.

Oral magnesium sulfate supplements may reduce the frequency of headache in some people, although studies don't all agree on this issue.

In addition, infusions of magnesium sulfate seem to help some people during an acute headache, and they seem to relieve migraine pain in people with magnesium deficiencies.

Cervical manipulation. There are no scientifically valid studies that prove that chiropractic or other spine-manipulation treatments are effective in the treatment of migraine.

Feverfew As Anti Migraine

everfew is an herb whose name comes from the fact that the ancient Greeks and many later societies used it as a treatment for fever.

Researchers at the City of London Migraine Clinic found that feverfew eliminated about two-thirds of migraine in a selected group of headache patients, which is similar to the effectiveness of most migraine drugs.

However, while some people get a pronounced effect, others get none at all. Averaging everyone together, it eliminates about one-fourth of all headaches.

This does not mean that it will eliminate precisely one-fourth of your headaches. It will more likely either have a much more noticeable effect or no effect at all.
Feverfew is sold at all health food stores.

The amount that has been shown to prevent migraine in research studies ranges from 50 to 114 milligrams per day.

However, most practitioners use capsules containing about 250 milligrams of a standardized-potency feverfew, recommending one capsule per day taken on an empty stomach. If find fresh leaves, the usual dose is two to threeleaves per day.

Thousands of people have used feverfew over long periods with no apparent ill effects, and research studies have shown no serious risks.

However, there has been little effort to systematically look for side-effects over prolonged periods. I would encourage you to avoid it if you are (or might be) pregnant; there is no indication that it causes birth defects, but not enough data are in to be sure.

Also, people with clotting disorders or who are taking anticoagulant medicines should consult with their doctors about taking feverfew.

Food Diet For Migraine

ne of the frequent causes of migraine is food.
Determine food allergies by fasting for a week, then adding one food at a time to your diet. Reactions can occur from twenty minutes to two weeks after ingesting the irritating food.

The most common allergens associated with migraines are cow's milk, wheat (gluten), chocolate, eggs, oranges and the additive MSG. Food diet avoid related to migraine are aged protein foods, such as hot dogs, cheese, sausages, cold cuts and smoked or pickled fish, as they contain tyramine, a vasoactive amine, which has been shown to trigger migraine attacks.

Tyramine is also found in alcoholic beverages. Red wine should be avoided not only because of its tyramine content but also because it contains flavonoids which inhibit the activity of the enzyme which normally breaks down tyramine and other vasoactive amines in the body.

Reduce the intake of animal fats. The arachidonic acid they contain tends to increase blood clotting, which is associated with migraines.

Instead, eat foods which tend to inhibit blood clotting, such as fish, unrefined flax, walnut or pumpkin seed oil, garlic and onion. A predominantly vegetarian diet will keep acid-forming foods to a minimum.

Raw wheat germ provides vitamins B3 and B6 which help balance serotonin levels, a hormone affecting constriction of blood vessels. Green, leafy vegetables and beets provide iron.

General Recommendations Methods of strengthening liver, gallbladder, and spleen.
When migraines occur, eat soupy grains, soft foods, and soups. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest or those rich in fat. Avoid constipation and if necessary take an herbal laxative.

Silent Migraine

ilent migraine is a type of migraine attack that doesn't include a headache. It's usually called migraine aura without headache.

Migraine aura is a term used to describe many of the other symptoms that go along with migraine, but it's usually referring to visual symptoms. This might include seeing zig zags or flashing lights, or having dizziness or vertigo. It's estimated that only about 15% of migraineurs deal with aura.

Silent migraine more often occurs later in life, and more often in men than in women.
So many symptoms in silent migraine, it's prone to misdiagnosis problem. If People were to get a one-sided headache, or any headache, migraine might be suspected. But without the headache stage, the migraine diagnosis is often missed.

It's easy for silent migraine to be mistaken for many other diseases - and that's no help to the patient.

Even those who get "normal" migraine can get silent migraine from time to time. It's estimated that 20% of migraineurs have had a silent migraine. It's easier for someone with a history of migraine to recognize the symptoms.

Silent migraine has not gotten a lot of specific press, probably because it's often simply lumped in with other migraine.
One challenge when it comes to diagnosis is that really do need to rule out other disorders.

Obviously, if had a stroke people need to know about it, not just write it off. Visual disturbances and hallucinations may be due to acephalgic migraine, but there also may be something wrong with eyes. Seizure issues may also come into play.

So if you're getting symptoms like the ones mentioned above - vertigo, visual disturbances, numbness, do see the doctor right away.

There are, however, some things people can do to ensure get a quicker correct diagnosis.
Most importantly, be sure to have a family and personal medical history to show the doctor. Migraine is a genetically based disease. If people have migraine or related diseases in family history, doctor may suspect that people have experienced silent migraine.

Doctor may order tests for to rule an organic disease. This may include a CT scan or MRI, blood tests, and eye exams, depending on the type of symptoms that describe.

Remember that silent migraine is still basically migraine. It's a common misconception that migraine is simply a bad headache - it's actually a neurological disease, and headache is only one possible symptoms. There are various types of treatment that work well for migraine, silent migraine included.

Abortive drugs are often helpful when it comes to silent migraine. Sometimes something as simple as aspirin can stop the symptoms . Usually people want something fast acting, such as a beta-agonist inhalent. Also helpful are sublingual nitroglycerin, meclofenamate and naproxen sodium.

For prevention, calcium channel blockers, a common migraine preventative, may also be helpful. Anti-seizure drugs are sometimes tried, such as topiramate.Talk to doctor about the full range of migraine medication that's available today.

Women In Menopause Migraine

etting older is also usually associated with both headaches and associated symptoms becoming less severe so it may not be only menopause, but also aging, which produces headache improvement in many cases.

Migraine as a result of hormone fluctuations is sometimes associated with perimenopause. In addition, irregular menses can make management of the condition less predictable. The plasma levels of sex steroids decline as menopause progresses, and migraine frequently abates.

This suggests that some factors other than hormones contribute to the predominance of migraine in women, but the reasons for this are not well understood.

If attacks linked to irregular menses or other perimenopausal symptoms are apparent, HRT(Hormone Replacement Therapy) may be considered as an option, provided that there are no contraindications to its use.

HRT is licensed for the control of menopausal symptoms and the prevention of osteoporosis and has a variable effect on migraine frequency. Research as shown that it is almost a likely to worsen migraine than improve it. It remains virtually impossible to predict what a given woman will experience.

Some women may improve when progesterone is eliminated entirely. However, additional progestogen is necessary to prevent endometrial cancer in unhysterectomised women using oestrogen replacement. This may lead to an increase in migraine, especially if administered cyclically, rather than continuously. A transdermal route of administration can help minimise this effect.

Back Pain Remedy

he options of remedy of back pains can offer fast relief for the back pains problems. Unfortunately, not all the options of remedy of back pains are good.

There is a certain number of various manners that can treat back pains naturally, including: vitamins, ores, herbal, nutrition, and medicine of homeopathy.

Since some will help to cure back pains and others are dangerous, it is the best to consult an expert of doctor or front nurse by taking anything and never, to never exceed proportionings recommended. The FDA does not have any control of the normal supplements, thus it does not recommend.

That does not mean, although, that all the supplements of remedy of back pains are bad. Some drugs prove to be not very sure, also, in spite of rigorous tests and test. The lower result is to seek each back pains to cure product than you consider to take and ensure yourselves to obtain the back pains to you to cure supplements of a honourable source, like a natural food store.

There are many normal supplements for remedy of back pains which can be found in the supermarkets and the stores of drug. People can have to check natural food stores for more obscure supplements. Every chemistry is different and reacts differently, thus if consider to take a supplement of remedy of back pains are equivalent to A pharmaceutical, people can motionless have some side effects.

As any kind of drug that buy above the meter, people will have a choice between the mark of store and the marks of name. The marks of store are perfectly sure to employ and to be less expensive because not must pay publicity.

School-age Children Suffer From Back Pain

Doctors recommend that small carried in their backpacks not over 10 or 15 percent of their body weight, and that these bags are placed in a proper manner, "in the top of the back"

The specialist in orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the Clinic Quirón of Valencia, Hector Perez Caballero, said today that the excessive weight of the backpacks of school children can bring problems or muscle overload in the joints in children, which can lead to degenerative diseases or chronicles in adulthood. Also, the expert pointed out that 60 percent of school-age children suffer at some time back pain.

Thus, Dr. Perez told Europa Press that "the pressure school" forced to carry much weight to children, which can cause overloads in the joints or muscles of the lower spine, in addition to Disc early or joint pain in the posterior with overloading joints, "which are quite difficult to control once they have established themselves as such."

Therefore, the doctor recommended that small carried in their backpacks not over 10 or 15 percent of their body weight, and that these bags are placed in a proper manner, "in the upper back."
Thus said the bags must be placed on pads and both shoulders, "and not just one", and supported in the dorsal area, "with no straps too long." Otherwise, he explained, would increase the burden lumbar and overburden the area.

In addition, he advised that the throw will not take her shoulders "excessively forward," because in this way are the arch column in "the opposite direction and overburden the cervical spine." He also recommended placing the correct weight inside the backpack, so that it will not fall vertically to the ground, leading to arcing back.

The optional also noted that the backpacks should be "adapted" to the age and size of the child, and not use them for several years. In this sense, commented that "a backpack is not bad per se, but that is bad for the way of carrying."

Biotherapy, Hair Care And Chemistry Free

If you want to have beautiful hair and interesting, try some treatments with natural fruits and vegetation as a basically material.

Appropriate solutions that you can try is biotherapy. Biotherapy is the type of hair care and skin heads with using natural ingredients. You are interested to try it?

To get that beautiful hair, one way is to provide optimal care of the hair. Care can be done by using natural ingredients will provide the optimal health.

Using natural ingredients and low content of chemical substances will give the best results for the hair and without side effects. For that, we must truly understand the condition of the hair following the problem.

Must realize, natural is the best for us. All that is in the nature of this solution is like all the problems faced by the people, including hair problems. Currently, the salon-beauty salon has started to provide hair care facilities are traditionally called the biotherapy.

In Indonesia, biotherapy known as a series of hair care and skin heads. Care is a treatment alternative due to saturation in the use of chemicals. According to Wong Mulyani, Senior Product Manager for Matrix, biolage this is the hair care products derived from natural ingredients.

"Biolage process so that the essence of plants can provide vitamins, and restore conditions, and the strength of natural hair," he said.

Biotherapy expected to become an alternative treatment for hair. Hair repair using biotherapy consists of two kinds.

First, the hair therapy. The hair care by improving the structure of the hair cuticle and close to the entrance to maintain nutrition and improve the structure of the hair so the hair outside the mission again.

Therapy hair has three functionality, such as repair, lock, and refine. Natural ingredients used in them the essence of fruits and plants such as grapes, avocado, flowers, shoes, aloe vera, mango, and gingseng.

Second, the scalp Therapy. That treatment to get healthy hair with a healthful way with healthful healthy scalp. To get the hair healthy, we must have a healthy scalp. Nutrition in the body will be received when the scalp hair is able to bring nutrients to the roots of the hair.

In general, the problems often experienced by women in Indonesia are dandruff and hair loss. Special to dandruff Wong explains, basically, dandruff is generated by the micro organisms in the skin of the head in large numbers and cause imbalance in the scalp.

As a result, the immune reaction occurs and accelerate the renewal of cells that eventually these cells flake off and accumulate.

Besides dandruff can arise from the use of shampoo that is not clean, diligent not wash hair, and is not affected by the sun too long.

In the scalp there Therapy content piroctine olamine (substances contained in the mint leaves and lime), which works to eliminate dandruff and prevent the growth of new dandruff.

From the outside, piroctine olamine absorbed into the skin of the head and lift the skin cells die, from within, piroctine olamine hamper the growth of sebum-sebum, so the balance head skin perfect place.

Besides dandruff, the second problem that often occurs in people of Indonesia are hair loss. Hair loss is caused by two factors, namely the causes of the causes of permanent and temporary.

Causes for example, while the result of stress and pollution, climate change that drastically, and the use of hair care products that one.

While the cause of permanent imbalance in more hormone, descendants of factors, and the imbalance of body system. Both these causes can lead to block the nutrition to the root of the hair that make collagen layer of crust and wane.

To reduce violence collagen and thicken the hair stems, and extend the life of the hair Sciences have found a molecule that can be used and patented. Molecule is called Aminexii.

Every care products have advantages and disadvantages. Biotherapy do with natural ingredients that are not in accordance with the recommendations in medical can cause allergy.

Each product is no shortage and excess, there is a pro and contra. Actually, if viewed in terms of health, of course natural products that are healthier. However, there are some people who feel not suitable or not because of allergic patient waiting the results.

"It's usually the product with the basic chemical material effect more quickly than the natural product," said Wong.

According to Lina, all of them returned again to us as consumers, if you want instant results but vulnerable risk, or want to go back to nature with materials that nature?

Hair Care, Healthy and Beautiful

To have healthy hair style model shampoo ? How are things how I see the following tips.

Eat nutritious foods
Food consumption, you also affect the health of hair. In addition to a body, consuming food full of nutrients will help your hair healthy. Vegetables and fruits was okay for your hair.

For example, your hair loss can multiply the consumption of protein contained in milk tofu or soy. If you want to be more preoccupied with a similar low-fat cheese, eggs, fish, nuts, or yogurt.

Anemia also affects hair loss, so choose food that contains iron, such as beef liver, meat, cereals, dates, or raisins.

Hair Wash
Washing hair at least 2X a week is the basis for healthy hair. If your event is overloaded, you need to wash hair more often.

But not too often yes, because the frequency of hair washing can remove the humidity of the natural hair. You can damage your hair more reasons.

Selecting shampoo also an important part of washing hair. Shampoo that contains coconut suitable for dry hair, which contains jojoba shampoo can make hair easier to manage, while shampoo containing Lemon trusted cause your hair more shine.

Now, I want to prolong the hair or dandruff, can select shampoo that contains extracts of apples. Oh yes, do not forget to also light massage, massage your head. Touch as this can cause blood circulation in the head more smoothly. The result, you will also be fresh!

Hair Vitamin
Do not forget to take vitamins hair. Content on shampoo usually not sufficient for the needs of vitamins hair so I was there if you add vitamins or special nutrition for hair.

Vitamins shaped like pearls and contain liquids can be got in the parlor or the nearest supermarket. Bill, which confused? Well, do not be ashamed no!

Avoid Materials Chemistry
Just follow the trend because, sensitive, sometimes we never consider if the use of chemical drugs can make the impact less good hair.

Medicines curls, hair coloring or rebounding almost certainly contain chemicals that can make hair damaged if not treated properly.

That means, when the decide to use one of these materials, you must provide the extra funds and time to treatment such as the thousands of hair or hair spa.

It all leaves your hair because I damaged the use of chemical drugs. This kind of care you can consult to the hairdresser when you decide to paint or straighten hair.

Hair Care
Spa treatments such as hair and the thousands I must born in the parlor. Thousands in their own home was also occupied. How easy, go to the nearest superstore search the thousands of drugs in accordance with the needs (for example: hair to dry, oily).

Help usually use in thousands of packets of drugs you buy. 'd Like more preoccupied again? Bring friends close and your pet play the song.

Edge Hair Cut
If you intend to prolong the hair, do not forget to always cut the tip of the hair once a month. Cut edges can prevent hair fork and a certain length of pointing more going?

Please note these tips I only make a pretty girl. No-boyfriend of the same health care hair course also suited to perform the ritual over the last several

Hair Care : Myths And the Truth

You may have heard myths in regard to cutting edge hair that can help hair grow faster, thicker and more dense.

Do not be surprised, if it is only myth hogwash. Because the hair that has been out of the scalp is the only thing to die.

If cropped hair, the hair may not send a straw in the hair follicle in the scalp to cause more hair. Scientific studies to prove this has been done since the 1920s, but opinion is still only one reliable up to now.

Cutting edge hair regularly, actually useful to remove the fork teeth or broken, and the appearance of hair can make more beautiful.

Chicken eggs thicken hair
But the myth that the chicken egg is a good conditioner, and can thicken the hair is correct.

High content of protein in the chicken eggs are considered good for the hair, because it will put hair and shiny hair.

However, should note that the use of eggs in the hair tends to be caused and messy. However, if you still want to try, here is how their application:

  • shake two raw eggs
  • wet hair with warm water (not too hot, they do not want to burn your head)
  • apply a mixture of eggs, and If.
  • then use shampoo as usual.
For similar results (hair soft and shiny), was the most easy way is with conditioner in intensive care

Hair Care : Tips

Here are some tips for the care of our hair:

- Develop healthy living habits. If you smoker, then began to stop this habit. Do sports regularly, eat food with balanced nutrition and use relaxation techniques to ease stress.

- Try to sleep soundly every night. Do not carry the load before bed, because it can cause your sleep disrupted, and the circulation of blood that is not smoothly make your hair so dull.

- If you use the products, hairdressing and cosmetics, avoid products with alcohol in high concentrations. Do not spread hairdressing products directly on the skin heads, this can cover the pores in your head, where it can damage the scalp and your hair. Comb with hair down to the

- If you're eager to swim, before the jump to a swimming pool make your hair wet with water. Water swimming pool is usually mixed with chlorine, which is certainly not good for hair.

- Use a hair dryer with a cold setting. Hot air from the dryer can make hair dry and damaged. Use a hair dryer with evenly distributed, and not continuously in one place.

Before using a hair dryer, rubbing the hair with a wet towel to dry first, then use a hair dryer to dry the already half-dry.

- Use a comb made of wood, the material is good to keep your hair is not easy to fall off. Always use a clean comb, to clean the comb with your soap or shampoo regularly. Always comb with hair down direction.

- Select shampoo with the quality of firsts. Use the method of trial and error in selecting shampoo, and select the most appropriate for your hair.

Therefore, tips that we serve. To have beautiful hair you need to do a little effort and patience in maintaining. Welcome to try

Simple Tips For Healthy Hair

No one if there is a crown of hair, because hair is part of the body that can attract other people for the first time. So, things fair for all people, especially women if her hair is always trying to see more OK.

Unfortunately, our hair can not meet our expectations every day to see the beautiful in the eyes. There are many factors that make our hair dull and sometimes look drenched, but with regular maintenance things, that it can be avoided. Well, here we give some tips to make hair care crown you always see the beautiful shimmer.

Previous jump on a tip-tips we serve, you need to know there are some important factors that affect the beauty of hair.

In fact, the characteristics of someone's hair depends on several factors, among which were brought by descendants of factors. Some genetic factors are responsible for how your hair looking.

Not only that, the level of hormones also have the same amount. And more than that, the environment, particularly air and water also have impacts that are not less important in our hair every day.

That is why, each person had experienced a bad day with the hair, that is. However, with little care, you can say goodbye to days with the bad hair drenched and muddy.

But this is not a permanent thing that happens once in the workplace, you need to do maintenance gradually from day to day in order to get shiny hair.

What Are The Breast Cancer Symptoms To Watch?

The first thing is to monitor the appearance of lumps in the breast. In most cases, these lumps are benign and are not a tumor, but a cyst or an adenoma fibrous. However, a measure of prudence, contact your doctor immediately appearance of these anomalies.

The other indications to be monitored are:

  • A change in size and shape of breasts,
  • The appearance of an orange peel, a roundness,
  • Abnormalities of skin, such as dimples, a ride on its surface.
  • The nipple is returning,
  • A small ball, a nodule, palpable from 1 cm, which was not there before,
  • A lump or a swelling under the armpit
  • A flow nipple or redness on the nipple; latter two cases are very rare.
The pain is not in itself a symptom of breast cancer. Indeed, many women feel pain breasts with the approach of their periods.

If the examination of your breasts you are concerned about following the discovery of abnormal symptoms, contact your doctor without delay. It is only very rarely cancer, but if it is: the more its care and more will be early treatment will be effective.

The detection systematic medical examination

Finally, if you have one or more of these risk factors, consider the possibility of cancer and submit to the screening that suggests your doctor.

Mammography is used to recognize a breast cancer before discovering a lump on palpation. It must be systematically carried out every three years from age 50, earlier when these famous risk factors have been identified are all signs that should encourage you to consult.

A mammogram is an X-ray to X-rays of the breasts. During the review, the chest is slightly compressed between two metal plates. This examination takes only a few minutes and is painless.

Only palpation and mammography can detect a small tumor. Thus, several countries have a national programme of screening for breast cancer. For the location of the tumor as for others, early diagnosis is indeed a sign of good prognosis.

Breast Cancer: How To Recognize It ?

Outstanding in men, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, with 42 000 new cases each year in France. Breast cancer will affect one in eight women during their lifetime.
Risk Factors

Some risk factors have been identified (a woman who presents these factors will have a higher risk of developing another breast cancer).

Screening for breast cancer, the more we advance in age, the greater the risk is high: two-thirds of these cancers occur effectively after 50 years.

The family history then a breast cancer a parent of the first degree, mother or sister, increases the risk by five. The hereditary cancers are rare: only 5% of women suffering from breast cancer are carriers of a genetic predisposition to send their daughters.

The personal history is another of those triggers: the risk of developing a second breast cancer is four to five times higher than average.

The hormonal plays. Basically, the more it is strong and prolonged, the more the risk is high. In other words the absence of pregnancy, an early puberty or late menopause are circumstances of breast cancer.

Note also other possible risk factors:

  • The Western lifestyle,
  • A diet rich in animal fats and low in fiber, fruits and vegetables,
  • Obesity increases estrogen levels and thus the risk of breast cancer.
In contrast, some factors limiting the risk of breast cancer are sometimes advanced as an active life, breastfeeding or a balanced diet.
Early detection

Most tumors are detected by women themselves. Thus, it is important for you to know the natural changes your chest during your menstrual cycle. Pay attention to your breasts when you change clothes or when you take a bath…

Do, however, regularly in palpations, and if you are anxious following a change noted, refer to your doctor without delay.

How To Prepare For Breast Cancer Treatment ?

The treatment is painless and usually takes a few minutes, but because the patient's position is very important, pre-treatment itself may be more or less long.

Plus you'll be relaxed and easier it is to reach the position sought. The medical staff will inform you during treatment.

The body part that must be addressed is dévêtue, like what happens for a traditional radiography. The rest of the body is shielded from radiation emitted by the device, a linear particle accelerator, using caches lead.
The contact reassuring medical staff

You will remain in permanent contact with the nursing staff through a microphone and the processing room is illuminated. Eye contact is made through a window or through a system of video surveillance.

The radiotherapy machine is usually fixed, but it may also be able to turn around the patient for him to administer treatment in several directions.

The noise and the machine can be impressive, but before the first meeting, the radiation reassure you on what you can see or hear during your treatment.

The aim is to affect the cancer cells, but it is possible that healthy tissue close to be achieved, resulting in side effects.

These consequences of treatment with radiotherapy depend on the radiation dose administered, location of the tumor and reactions of your body, they vary widely from one person to another.

Radiation can affect bone marrow cells that produce blood cells. These problems are usually linked to treatments carried out over a large area or affect the bones of legs, chest, abdomen or pelvis.

If treatment leads to a decrease in your red blood cells (anemia), a transfusion or treatment with the érythropoiétine will overcome this deficiency and should limit the fatigue that you suffer.

Fatigue and anxiety
The fatigue and headaches are very common, so you have to be very careful not to get overworked and relax as much as your body prompted. Being under treatment for cancer can be a source of anxiety, fatigue and accumulate, you can have depressive tendencies. If so, your entourage will have to make sure you support.

Weight loss
The radiation can also affect the membranes of the mouth, trachea or the intestinal wall. The gene for swallowing, nausea, altered taste and diarrhea can lead to weight loss.

If you have trouble you feed it appropriate to inform the medical team responsible for your treatment. Drugs treating nausea and limiting ulceration of the intestines are available

If the write-offs made in the pelvic area, they could affect your sexuality.

Skin reactions
If the skin around the treated area this redness, itching or other problems, talk to your radiation.

If the marks determining the treatment area disappear, do not try to remake yourself, but tell your radiation.

Hair Loss
The hair loss is that if radiation are directed towards the head. In most cases, the hair will push at the end of treatment, although this "pushes" also depends on the dose of radiation received.

Generally these side effects will disappear gradually in the weeks following the end of treatment.

Thanks to technological advances, these effects are not a tribute to pay inseparable treatment today, many patients feel no or few of these problems. However, talk with your doctor about the possible reactions to treatment before radiotherapy, you will help you prepare if you have to be confronted.

Is There An Epidemic Of Breast Cancer ?

In France, one woman in eight will be struck by breast cancer during their lifetime. With 42 000 new cases per year, the disease is increasingly common. How can we explain this?

Breast cancer is the most common cancers in Western countries. The study of Cancer Registries has enabled the Institute of Health (InVs) describe precisely the evolution of this disease.
First cause of cancer deaths in women

In 2000, the number of new breast cancers diagnosed 41 was estimated at 845 (plus 4 000 called in situ cancers, ie at a very early stage localized). During the same year, 11 637 women died of this disease. The figures that put this disease like cancer most common among women (35.7% of all female cancers). It is also the leading cause of cancer mortality in women. Of the 57 734 female deaths from cancer, 20.2% are caused breast cancer…

The number of cases increases significantly and regularly between 30 and 60 years to reach a plateau 60 and 80 years. Then, the frequency declined slightly.

Incidence and mortality of breast cancer estimated by age
for the year 2000 among women in France

Tomorrow, better identify the culprits

Cancer within chiffresMeme if we can welcome the progress in treating this cancer, 60% increase in the number of new cases in 20 years puzzled. How to explain? The progress and development of screening, and the increase in life expectancy may partly explain this phenomenon. But only partly.

Environmental factors are certainly in question. Thus, Japanese women have a rate of breast cancer three times less important than the Americans. But when they migrate to the Land of Uncle Sam, this risk is identical to the indigenous from the second generation.

What are these culprits changes in lifestyle? Food, absence of pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hormonal treatment of menopause, pesticides, chemicals… The studies are increasing, we hope we provide prompt responses.

General Tablets Against Acne

Many acne treatments may be prescribed oral against acne. These include these:

It is often preferable to take them during the evening meal with a glass of water. They show-against the sun and require contraception among women. Example of antibiotics used in the treatment of acne Doxy ®

Vitamin A acid
Contracne ®, Procuta ®, Curacne ®, Roaccutane ®) requires

  • taking a mandatory contraception continued 2 months after the termination of treatment,
  • to avoid the sun,
  • avoid antibiotics by general type cyclins
  • and avoid donating blood

How Does Deals On Acne Treatment Against Acne

The treatment of acne passes first through the eviction of triggers and aggravating 's acne. Among these are:

  • Friction and prolong contacts with the hair (meche hair on the forehead or cheeks ...), the helmet, cap ...
  • Exposure to sunlight, which is a false friend since sometimes improves the acne, but this improvement is always transitory
  • Handling buttons
In women, the treatment of acne spends most often by a hormonal balance (especially in case of irregular periods, facial hair ...) and a hormonal treatment:
  • Contraception is mandatory in many treatments for acne
  • Some contraceptives can improve acne, such as those based orgestimate orn cyproterone acetate
  • Conversely, some contraceptives can aggravate acne
The doctor chooses treatment by local or general tailored to your type of acne, follow the requirements. You should know that achieving results often requires several weeks of treatment and we can observe an exacerbation of injuries during these first week. This must not get discouraged.

Look After Your Posture

Very often solutions to improve its posture are simple and well known. But we can see that they are generally not enforced.

Do not wait until your back requires you to pay attention to your posture in everyday life, so now the good habits that will preserve your health.

The state of your back is a vital elements that determine your well being, realize that some councils to adopt that we offer you only require a small effort in exchange for a comfortable life.

Thus, whether in front of a television screen or computer, be sure to sit well in the face, ie that your face should ideally find the same level as the screen which eliminates the need to raise or lower the head.

It is also important to choose the seat that should be neither too low nor too soft. Remember also to stretch you and help you relax by changing position regularly.

Many back problems are related to transport and in particular the car. Again the seat should not be too soft and must be dealt with fairly right in order to keep the alignment between the head, back and pelvis.

Help yourself to a maximum of mirrors to avoid sudden bending your neck and your back. Add to need a small cushion at the level of injury before pivotez the maximum out of your vehicle and to the extent possible, opt for an automatic transmission.

Also attention to the gestures of everyday keeping your back straight and avoiding bending because it is preferable to one knee to the ground when we must stoop.

To carry bags, be sure to balance the load between the two sides and if you pick up a heavy object, especially to make sure you closer to the object, bend your knees and buttocks well push back

When you move, it is also important to be well shod. Quality shoes can better absorb shocks through thicker soles. The shoes techniques such as "running" are ideal in terms of comfort and security.

It can not be repeated often enough, but a comfortable bed is also essential to avoid back problems. We spend on average one third of our lives in bed, so do not hesitate to invest in quality bedding. It must also not forget to change at least every ten years.

The Back Pain Prevention Through Physical Activity

If for a long time, doctors have prescribed rest and immobility in the event of lower back pain, it is clear that the use of physical activity is largely privileged.

It is quite possible to prevent back pain by having regular physical activity and moderate. But it is an activity that must be both well-managed and monitored. Any sport is not good for the back, far from it.

It should especially pay special attention to sports that generate a significant impact on the joints and spine as jogging in particular. The sports such as tennis rackets and squash also be avoided if one is subject to develop back pain.

These sports played on hard surfaces require changes direction quickly, which can cause back pain. Likewise a sport like golf should be practiced with caution because the rotation asymmetrical body is very pronounced and relatively violent.

In case of back pain or history, it is preferable to move towards sports like walking (with shoes well suited) or to sports so-called "sitting" as the bicycle (provided, however d ' sitting upright on the bike), or to sport known as "worn" as swimming.

Before you can muscle your back on a job-specific strength training, it must first keep your muscles emphasizing flexibility and stretching. In a second step, it will be possible to deal with muscle areas that maintain the body in an ideal position, namely abdominal and spinal.

To avoid imbalance very damaging to the back, abdominal and back-end must be a sandwich. Indeed, the abdominals are too often privileged at the expense of backbones. Likewise, should we not fail to work the muscles of the thighs and hips.

Then it will be possible to proceed to the final stage which is the strengthening muscle itself where you will be prompted to develop the muscles of the upper back. Thus, with a little regular physical activity, your back will remain in good shape.

If women are more frequently affected than men by the fact that some have a heavy chest or unbalanced, and many of them wearing heels, men are on their side most affected by the heavy manual jobs which entail regularly back pain.

Remember also that there is no age limit to be reached by back pain, it affects both young and older people. If we are all concerned, remember that back pain is not inevitable and it is possible to act to limit its daily occurrence.

As we have seen, to prevent back pain, it's essential to the move. The ball is in your court!

The Back Pain

Who has never complained of back pain? Regarded as devoid of the century, 80% of French are affected by this symptom. However, it is possible to act every day to prevent such pain…

Who has never complained of back pain ? Considered rightly regarded as the evil of the century, no less than 80% of French are affected by this symptom, it is true to very different degrees ranging from simple pain passing through an acute crisis and up disability for a very small minority of cases.

If everyone can be affected by such pain, it is also possible to act every day to prevent a caregiver its posture and practicing physical activity.

The multiple back pain causes

Several causes and several factors are that there is no miracle solution to alleviate or treat back pain. The rachialgies can hide many different problems: displaced vertebrae or discs, fractured or packed, pain ligament or muscle yet.

But the origin of a back pain may also be a rheumatic inflammatory pain or infection. A lack of musculature, a problem of overweight or simply a bad posture or a combination of these factors may also cause back pain as well as accidents or false movements.

We must not forget the causes rather than psychological. The expression "to have full-backs" in this respect is very suggestive: an external cause may actually materialize in back pain as a result of a particular somatization caused by a surge of stress.

Finally, physical inactivity is a trigger for back pain, minus the back is requested and it has more chance of becoming painful.