Look After Your Posture

Very often solutions to improve its posture are simple and well known. But we can see that they are generally not enforced.

Do not wait until your back requires you to pay attention to your posture in everyday life, so now the good habits that will preserve your health.

The state of your back is a vital elements that determine your well being, realize that some councils to adopt that we offer you only require a small effort in exchange for a comfortable life.

Thus, whether in front of a television screen or computer, be sure to sit well in the face, ie that your face should ideally find the same level as the screen which eliminates the need to raise or lower the head.

It is also important to choose the seat that should be neither too low nor too soft. Remember also to stretch you and help you relax by changing position regularly.

Many back problems are related to transport and in particular the car. Again the seat should not be too soft and must be dealt with fairly right in order to keep the alignment between the head, back and pelvis.

Help yourself to a maximum of mirrors to avoid sudden bending your neck and your back. Add to need a small cushion at the level of injury before pivotez the maximum out of your vehicle and to the extent possible, opt for an automatic transmission.

Also attention to the gestures of everyday keeping your back straight and avoiding bending because it is preferable to one knee to the ground when we must stoop.

To carry bags, be sure to balance the load between the two sides and if you pick up a heavy object, especially to make sure you closer to the object, bend your knees and buttocks well push back

When you move, it is also important to be well shod. Quality shoes can better absorb shocks through thicker soles. The shoes techniques such as "running" are ideal in terms of comfort and security.

It can not be repeated often enough, but a comfortable bed is also essential to avoid back problems. We spend on average one third of our lives in bed, so do not hesitate to invest in quality bedding. It must also not forget to change at least every ten years.