Is There An Epidemic Of Breast Cancer ?

In France, one woman in eight will be struck by breast cancer during their lifetime. With 42 000 new cases per year, the disease is increasingly common. How can we explain this?

Breast cancer is the most common cancers in Western countries. The study of Cancer Registries has enabled the Institute of Health (InVs) describe precisely the evolution of this disease.
First cause of cancer deaths in women

In 2000, the number of new breast cancers diagnosed 41 was estimated at 845 (plus 4 000 called in situ cancers, ie at a very early stage localized). During the same year, 11 637 women died of this disease. The figures that put this disease like cancer most common among women (35.7% of all female cancers). It is also the leading cause of cancer mortality in women. Of the 57 734 female deaths from cancer, 20.2% are caused breast cancer…

The number of cases increases significantly and regularly between 30 and 60 years to reach a plateau 60 and 80 years. Then, the frequency declined slightly.

Incidence and mortality of breast cancer estimated by age
for the year 2000 among women in France

Tomorrow, better identify the culprits

Cancer within chiffresMeme if we can welcome the progress in treating this cancer, 60% increase in the number of new cases in 20 years puzzled. How to explain? The progress and development of screening, and the increase in life expectancy may partly explain this phenomenon. But only partly.

Environmental factors are certainly in question. Thus, Japanese women have a rate of breast cancer three times less important than the Americans. But when they migrate to the Land of Uncle Sam, this risk is identical to the indigenous from the second generation.

What are these culprits changes in lifestyle? Food, absence of pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hormonal treatment of menopause, pesticides, chemicals… The studies are increasing, we hope we provide prompt responses.