The Back Pain

Who has never complained of back pain? Regarded as devoid of the century, 80% of French are affected by this symptom. However, it is possible to act every day to prevent such pain…

Who has never complained of back pain ? Considered rightly regarded as the evil of the century, no less than 80% of French are affected by this symptom, it is true to very different degrees ranging from simple pain passing through an acute crisis and up disability for a very small minority of cases.

If everyone can be affected by such pain, it is also possible to act every day to prevent a caregiver its posture and practicing physical activity.

The multiple back pain causes

Several causes and several factors are that there is no miracle solution to alleviate or treat back pain. The rachialgies can hide many different problems: displaced vertebrae or discs, fractured or packed, pain ligament or muscle yet.

But the origin of a back pain may also be a rheumatic inflammatory pain or infection. A lack of musculature, a problem of overweight or simply a bad posture or a combination of these factors may also cause back pain as well as accidents or false movements.

We must not forget the causes rather than psychological. The expression "to have full-backs" in this respect is very suggestive: an external cause may actually materialize in back pain as a result of a particular somatization caused by a surge of stress.

Finally, physical inactivity is a trigger for back pain, minus the back is requested and it has more chance of becoming painful.